10 favourite hikes - Ål52's hiking programme
Here you will find the hikes for this years 10 favourite hikes in Ål www.outtt.com/aal
Among all of the 50 hikes in Ål52, we have selected 10 hikes to be part of the hiking programme "10 favorite hikes in Ål".
On these selected hikes you'll find a postbox where you can write your name, and if you buy a punch card you can gather hikes and become owner of a Ål52 mug. The punch card costs NOK 120 per family. You need to walk at least 8 of the hikes to qualify for the Ål52-mug.

Photo competition Take a picture when you are out walking one of the 10 favorite hike and post it on Instagram. Write the name of the hike and #aal52. Make sure you like our page #alturistinfo. Doing so you are part of the competition to win a prize from one of our sponsors.
At the end of the season we will draw prizes among all the punch cards and everyone whose signed the guest books. The prizes will be sponsered by our cooperating partners.